Higher Order

Philosophy and functional programming.

Scala Comonad Tutorial, Part 2

In the previous post, we looked at the Reader/Writer monads and comonads, and discussed in general what comonads are and how they relate to monads. This time around, we’re going to look at some more comonads, delve briefly into adjunctions, and try to get some further insight into what it all means.

Nonempty structures

Since a comonad has to have a counit, it must be “pointed” or nonempty in some sense. That is, given a value of type W[A] for some comonad W, we must be able to get a value of type A out.

The identity comonad is a simple example of this. We can always get a value of type A out of Id[A]. A slightly more interesting example is that of non-empty lists:

case class NEL[A](head: A, tail: Option[NEL[A]])

So a nonempty list is a value of type A together with either another list or None to mark that the list has terminated. Unlike the traditional List data structure, we can always safely get the head.

But what is the comonadic duplicate operation here? That should allow us to go from NEL[A] to NEL[NEL[A]] in such a way that the comonad laws hold. For nonempty lists, an implementation that satisfies those laws turns out to be:

case class NEL[A](head: A, tail: Option[NEL[A]]) {
  def tails: NEL[NEL[A]] =
    NEL(this, tail.map(_.tails))

The tails operation returns a list of all the suffixes of the given list. This list of lists is always nonempty, because the first suffix is the list itself. For example, if we have the nonempty list [1,2,3] (to use a more succinct notation), the tails of that will be [[1,2,3], [2,3], [3]]

To get an idea of what this means in the context of a comonadic program, think of this in terms of coKleisli composition, or extend in the comonad:

  def extend[A,B](f: NEL[A] => B): NEL[B] =
    tails map f

When we map over tails, the function f is going to receive each suffix of the list in turn. We apply f to each of those suffixes and collect the results in a (nonempty) list. So [1,2,3].extend(f) will be [f([1,2,3]), f([2,3]), f([3])].

The name extend refers to the fact that it takes a “local” computation (here a computation that operates on a list) and extends that to a “global” computation (here over all suffixes of the list).

Or consider this class of nonempty trees (often called Rose Trees):

case class Tree[A](tip: A, sub: List[Tree[A]])

A tree of this sort has a value of type A at the tip, and a (possibly empty) list of subtrees underneath. One obvious use case is something like a directory structure, where each tip is a directory and the corresponding sub is its subdirectories.

This is also a comonad. The counit is obvious, we just get the tip. And here’s a duplicate for this structure:

  def duplicate: Tree[Tree[A]] =
    Tree(this, sub.map(_.duplicate))

Now, this obviously gives us a tree of trees, but what is the structure of that tree? It will be a tree of all the subtrees. The tip will be this tree, and the tip of each proper subtree under it will be the entire subtree at the corresponding point in the original tree.

That is, when we say t.duplicate.map(f) (or equivalently t extend f), our f will receive each subtree of t in turn and perform some calculation over that entire subtree. The result of the whole expression t extend f will be a tree mirroring the structure of t, except each node will contain f applied to the corresponding subtree of t.

To carry on with our directory example, we can imagine wanting a detailed space usage summary of a directory structure, with the size of the whole tree at the tip and the size of each subdirectory underneath as tips of the subtrees, and so on. Then d extend size creates the tree of sizes of recursive subdirectories of d.

The cofree comonad

You may have noticed that the implementations of duplicate for rose trees and tails for nonempty lists were basically identical. The only difference is that one is mapping over a List and the other is mapping over an Option. We can actually abstract that out and get a comonad for any functor F:

case class Cofree[F[_],A](counit: A, sub: F[Cofree[F,A]]) {
  def duplicate(implicit F: Functor[F]): Cofree[F,Cofree[F,A]] =
    Cofree(this, F.map(sub)(_.duplicate))

A really common kind of structure is something like the type Cofree[Map[K,?],A] of trees where the counit is some kind of summary and each key of type K in the Map of subtrees corresponds to some drilldown for more detail. This kind of thing appears in portfolio management applications, for example.

Compare this structure with the free monad:

sealed trait Free[F[_],A]
case class Return[F[_],A](a: A) extends Free[F,A]
case class Suspend[F[_],A](s: F[Free[F,A]]) extends Free[F,A]

While the free monad is either an A or a recursive step suspended in an F, the cofree comonad is both an A and a recursive step suspended in an F. They really are duals of each other in the sense that the monad is a coproduct and the comonad is a product.

Comparing comonads to monads (again)

Given this difference, we can make some statements about what it means:

  • Free[F,A] is a type of “leafy tree” that branches according to F, with values of type A at the leaves, while Cofree[F,A] is a type of “node-valued tree” that branches according to F with values of type A at the nodes.
  • If Exp defines the structure of some expression language, then Free[Exp,A] is the type of abstract syntax trees for that language, with free variables of type A, and monadic bind literally binds expressions to those variables. Dually, Cofree[Exp,A] is the type of closed exresspions whose subexpressions are annotated with values of type A, and comonadic extend reannotates the tree. For example, if you have a type inferencer infer, then e extend infer will annotate each subexpression of e with its inferred type.

This comparison of Free and Cofree actually says something about monads and comonads in general:

  • All monads can model some kind of leafy tree structure, and all comonads can be modeled by some kind of node-valued tree structure.
  • In a monad M, if f: A => M[B], then xs map f allows us to take the values at the leaves (a:A) of a monadic structure xs and substitute an entire structure (f(a)) for each value. A subsequent join then renormalizes the structure, eliminating the “seams” around our newly added substructures. In a comonad W, xs.duplicate denormalizes, or exposes the substructure of xs:W[A] to yield W[W[A]]. Then we can map a function f: W[A] => B over that to get a B for each part of the substructure and redecorate the original structure with those values. (See Uustalu and Vene’s excellent paper The Dual of Substitution is Redecoration for more on this connection.)
  • A monad defines a class of programs whose subexpressions are incrementally generated from the outputs of previous expressions. A comonad defines a class of programs that incrementally generate output from the substructure of previous expressions.
  • A monad adds structure by consuming values. A comonad adds values by consuming structure.

The relationship between Reader and Coreader

If we look at a Kleisli arrow in the Reader[R,?] comonad, it looks like A => Reader[R,B], or expanded out: A => R => B. If we uncurry that, we get (A, R) => B, and we can go back to the original by currying again. But notice that a value of type (A, R) => B is a coKleisli arrow in the Coreader comonad! Remember that Coreader[R,A] is really a pair (A, R).

So the answer to the question of how Reader and Coreader are related is that there is a one-to-one correspondence between a Kleisli arrow in the Reader monad and a coKleisli arrow in the Coreader comonad. More precisely, the Kleisli category for Reader[R,?] is isomorphic to the coKleisli category for Coreader[R,?]. This isomorphism is witnessed by currying and uncurrying.

In general, if we have an isomorphism between arrows like this, we have what’s called an adjunction:

trait Adjunction[F[_],G[_]] {
  def left[A,B](f: F[A] => B): A => G[B]
  def right[A,B](f: A => G[B]): F[A] => B

In an Adjunction[F,G], we say that F is left adjoint to G, often expressed with the notation F ⊣ G.

We can clearly make an Adjunction for Coreader[R,?] and Reader[R,?] by using curry and uncurry:

def homSetAdj[R] = new Adjunction[(?, R), R => ?] {
  def left[A,B](f: ((A, R)) => B): A => R => B =
  def right[A,B](f: A => R => B): ((A, R)) => B =

The additional tupled and untupled come from the unfortunate fact that I’ve chosen Scala notation here and Scala differentiates between functions of two arguments and functions of one argument that happens to be a pair.

So a more succinct description of this relationship is that Coreader is left adjoint to Reader.

Generally the left adjoint functor adds structure, or is some kind of “producer”, while the right adjoint functor removes (or “forgets”) structure, or is some kind of “consumer”.

Composing adjoint functors

An interesting thing about adjunctions is that if you have an adjoint pair of functors F ⊣ G, then F[G[?]] always forms a comonad, and G[F[?]] always forms a monad, in a completely canonical and amazing way:

def monad[F[_],G[_]](A: Adjunction[F,G])(implicit G: Functor[G]) =
  new Monad[λ[α => G[F[α]]]] {
    def unit[A](a: => A): G[F[A]] =
    def bind[A,B](a: G[F[A]])(f: A => G[F[B]]): G[F[B]] =

def comonad[F[_],G[_]](A: Adjunction[F,G])(implicit F: Functor[F]) =
  new Comonad[λ[α => F[G[α]]]] {
    def counit[A](a: F[G[A]]): A =
    def extend[A,B](a: F[G[A]])(f: F[G[A]] => B): F[G[B]] =

Note that this says something about monads and comonads. Since the left adjoint F is a producer and the right adjoint G is a consumer, a monad always consumes and then produces, while a comonad always produces and then consumes.

Now, if we compose Reader and Coreader, which monad do we get?

scala> def M[S] = monad(homSetAdj[S])
M: [S]=> scalaz.Monad[[α]S => (α, S)]

That’s the State[S,?] monad!

Now if we compose it the other way, we should get a comonad:

scala> def W[S] = comonad(homSetAdj[S])
W: [S]=> scalaz.Comonad[[α](S => α, S)]

What is that? It’s the Store[S,?] comonad:

case class Store[S,A](peek: S => A, cursor: S) {
  def extract: A = peek(cursor)
  def extend[B](f: Store[S,A] => B): Store[S, B] =
    Store(s => f(Store(peek, s)), cursor)
  def duplicate: Store[S, Store[S,A]] =
  def map[B](f: A => B): Store[S,B] =
    extend(s => f(s.extract))

  def seek(s: S) = duplicate.peek(s)

This models a “store” of values of type A indexed by the type S. We have the ability to directly access the A value under a given S using peek, and there is a distinguished cursor or current position. The comonadic extract just reads the value under the cursor, and duplicate gives us a whole store full of stores such that if we peek at any one of them, we get a Store whose cursor is set to the given s. We’re defining a seek(s) operation that moves the cursor to a given position s by taking advantage of duplicate.

A use case for this kind of structure might be something like image processing or cellular automata, where S might be coordinates into some kind of space (like a two-dimensional image). Then extend takes a local computation at the cursor and extends it to every point in the space. For example, if we have an operation average that peeks at the cursor’s immediate neighbors and averages them, then we can apply a low-pass filter to the whole image with image.extend(average).

The type A => Store[S,B] is also one possible representation of a Lens. I might talk about lenses and zippers in a future post.
