Higher Order

Philosophy and functional programming.

Free Monoids and Free Monads

In a series of old posts, I once talked about the link between lists and monoids, as well as monoids and monads. Now I want to talk a little bit more about monoids and monads from the perspective of free structures.

List is a free monoid. That is, for any given type A, List[A] is a monoid, with list concatenation as the operation and the empty list as the identity element.

def freeMonoid[A]: Monoid[List[A]] = new Monoid[List[A]] {
  def unit = Nil
  def op(a1: List[A], a2: List[A]) = a1 ++ a2

Being a free monoid means that it’s the minimal such structure. List[A] has exactly enough structure so that it is a monoid for any given A, and it has no further structure. This also means that for any given monoid B, there must exist a transformation, a monoid homomorphism from List[A] to B:

def foldMap[A,B:Monoid](as: List[A])(f: A => B): B

Given a mapping from A to a monoid B, we can collapse a value in the monoid List[A] to a value in B.

Free monads

Now, if you followed my old posts, you already know that monads are “higher-kinded monoids”. A monoid in a category where the objects are type constructors (functors, actually) and the arrows between them are natural transformations. As a reminder, a natural transformation from F to G can be represented this way in Scala:

trait ~>[F[_],G[_]] {
  def apply[A](a: F[A]): G[A]

And it turns out that there is a free monad for any given functor F:

sealed trait Free[F[_],A]
case class Return[F[_],A](a: A) extends Free[F,A]
case class Suspend[F[_],A](f: F[Free[F,A]]) extends Free[F,A]

Analogous to how a List[A] is either Nil (the empty list) or a product of a head element and tail list, a value of type Free[F,A] is either an A or a product of F[_] and Free[F,_]. It is a recursive structure. And indeed, it has exactly enough structure to be a monad, for any given F, and no more.

When I say “product” of two functors like F[_] and Free[F,_], I mean a product like this:

trait :*:[F[_],G[_]] {
  type λ[A] = F[G[A]]

So we might expect that there is a monad homomorphism from a free monad on F to any monad that F can be transformed to. And indeed, it turns out that there is. The free monad catamorphism is in fact a monad homomorphism. Given a natural transformation from F to G, we can collapse a Free[F,A] to G[A], just like with foldMap when given a function from A to B we could collapse a List[A] to B.

def runFree[F[_],G[_]:Monad,A](as: Free[F,A])(f: F ~> G): G[A]

But what’s the equivalent of foldRight for Free? Remember, foldRight takes a unit element z and a function that accumulates into B so that B doesn’t actually have to be a monoid. Here, f is a lot like the monoid operation, except it takes the current A on the left:

def foldRight[A,B](as: List[A])(z: B)(f: (A, B) => B): B

The equivalent for Free takes a natural transformation as its unit element, which for a monad happens to be monadic unit. Then it takes a natural transformation as its f argument, that looks a lot like monadic join, except it takes the current F on the left:

type Id[A] = A

def foldFree[F[_]:Functor,G[_],A](
  as: Free[F,A])(
  z: Id ~> G)(
  f: (F:*:G)#λ ~> G): G[A]

In this case, G does not have to be a monad at all.

Free as well as natural transformations and product types are available in Scalaz.
