Higher Order

Philosophy and functional programming.

Free Monads and the Yoneda Lemma

Last week I gave a talk on Purely Functional I/O at Scala.io in Paris. The slides for the talk are available here. In it I presented a data type for IO that is supposedly a “free monad”. But the monad I presented is not exactly the same as scalaz.Free and some people have been asking me why there is a difference and what that difference means.

IO as an application of Free

The Free monad in Scalaz is given a bit like this:

sealed trait Free[F[_],A]
case class Return[F[_],A](a: A) extends Free[F,A]
case class Suspend[F[_],A](s: F[Free[F, A]]) extends Free[F,A]

And throughout the methods on Free, it is required that F is a functor because in order to get at the recursive step inside a Suspend, we need to map over the F somehow.

But the IO monad I gave in the talk looks more like this:

sealed trait IO[F[_],A]
case class Return[F[_],A](a: A) extends IO[F,A]
case class Req[F[_],I,A](req: F[I], k: I => IO[F,A]) extends IO[F,A]

And it could actually be stated as an application of Free:

type IO[F[_],A] = Free[({type λ[α] = (F[I], I => α) forSome {type I}})#λ, A]

So in a very superficial sense, this is how the IO monad relates to Free. The monad IO[F,_] for a given F is the free monad generated by the functor (F[I], I => _) for some type I. And do note that this is a functor no matter what F is.

IO as equivalent to Free

There is a deeper sense in which IO and Free are actually equivalent (more precisely, isomorphic). That is, there exists a transformation from one to the other and back again. Since the only difference between IO and Free is in the functors F[_] vs ∃I. (F[I], I => _), we just have to show that these two are isomorphic for any F.

The Yoneda lemma

There is an important result in category theory known as the Yoneda lemma. What it says is that if you have a function defined like this…

def map[B](f: A => B): F[B]

…then you certainly have a value of type F[A]. All you need is to pass the identity function to map in order to get the value of type F[A] out of this function. In fact, a function like this is in practice probably defined as a method on a value of type F[A] anyway. This also means that F is definitely a functor.

The Yoneda lemma says that this goes the other way around as well. If you have a value of type F[A] for any functor F and any type A, then you certainly have a map function with the signature above.

In scala terms, we can capture this in a type:

trait Yoneda[F[_], A] {
  def map[B](f: A => B): F[B]

And the Yoneda lemma says that there is an isomorphism between Yoneda[F,A] and F[A], for any functor F and any type A. Here is the proof:

import scalaz._

def toYo[F[_]:Functor,A](fa: F[A]) = new Yoneda[F,A] {
  def map[B](f: A => B) = Functor[F].map(fa)(f)

def froYo[F[_],A](yo: Yoneda[F,A]) = yo.map(a => a)


Of course, this also means that if we have a type B, a function of type (B => A) for some type A, and a value of type F[B] for some functor F, then we certainly have a value of type F[A]. This is kind of obvious, since we can just pass the B => A and the F[B] to the map function for the functor and get our F[A].

But the opposite is also true, and that is the really interesting part. If we have a value of type F[A], for any F and A, then we can always destructure it into a value of type F[B] and a function of type B => A, at least for some type B. And it turns out that we can do this even if F is not a functor.

This is the permutation of the Yoneda lemma that we were using in IO above. That is, IO[F, A] is really Free[({type λ[α] = CoYoneda[F,α]})#λ, A], given:

trait CoYoneda[F[_], A] {
  type I
  def f: I => A
  def fi: F[I]

And the lemma says that CoYoneda[F,A] is isomorphic to F[A]. Here is the proof:

def toCoYo[F[_],A](fa: F[A]) = new CoYoneda[F,A] {
  type I = A
  val f = (a: A) => a
  val fi = fa
def froCoYo[F[_]:Functor,A](yo: CoYo) = Functor[F].map(yo.fi)(yo.f)

Of course, this destructuring into CoYoneda using the identity function is the simplest and most general, but there may be others for specific F and A depending on what we know about them.

So there you have it. The scalaz.Free monad with its Suspend(F[Free[F,A]]) constructor and the IO monad with its Req(F[I], I => IO[F,A]) constructor are actually equivalent. The latter is simply making use of CoYoneda to say the same thing.

Why bother? The useful part is that CoYoneda[F,_] is a functor for any F, so it’s handy to use in a free monad since we can then drop the requirement that F is a functor. What’s more, it gives us map fusion for free, since map over CoYoneda is literally just function composition on its f component. Although this latter is, in the absence of tail call elimination, not as useful as it could be in Scala.

I hope that sheds a little bit of light on the Yoneda lemma as well as the different embeddings of free monads.
