Higher Order

Philosophy and functional programming.

A Scala Comonad Tutorial, Part 1

In chapter 11 of our book, we talk about monads in Scala. This finally names a pattern that the reader has seen throughout the book and gives it a formal structure. We also give some intuition for what it means for something to be a monad. Once you have this concept, you start recognizing it everywhere in the daily business of programming.

Today I want to talk about comonads, which are the dual of monads. The utility of comonads in everyday life is not quite as immediately obvious as that of monads, but they definitely come in handy sometimes. Particularly in applications like image processing and scientific computation.

A monad, upside-down

Let’s remind ourselves of what a monad is. A monad is a functor, which just means it has a map method:

trait Functor[F[_]] {
  def map[A,B](x: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B]

This has to satisfy the law that map(x)(a => a) == x, i.e. that mapping the identity function over our functor is a no-op.


A monad is a functor M equipped with two additional polymorphic functions; One from A to M[A] and one from M[M[A]] to M[A].

trait Monad[M[_]] extends Functor[M] {
  def unit[A](a: A): M[A]
  def join[A](mma: M[M[A]]): M[A]

Recall that join has to satisfy associativity, and unit has to be an identity for join.

In Scala a monad is often stated in terms of flatMap, which is map followed by join. But I find this formulation easier to explain.

Every monad has the above operations, the so-called proper morphisms of a monad, and may also bring to the table some nonproper morphisms which give the specific monad some additional capabilities.

Reader monad

For example, the Reader monad brings the ability to ask for a value:

case class Reader[R,A](run: R => A)

def ask[R]: Reader[R,R] = Reader(r => r)

The meaning of join in the reader monad is to pass the same context of type R to both the outer scope and the inner scope:

def join[R,A](r: Reader[R,Reader[R,A]]) =
  Reader((c:R) => r.run(c).run(c))

Writer monad

The Writer monad has the ability to write a value on the side:

case class Writer[W,A](value: A, log: W)

def tell[W,A](w: W): Writer[W,Unit] = Writer((), w)

The meaning of join in the writer monad is to concatenate the “log” of written values using the monoid for W (this is using the Monoid class from Scalaz):

def join[W:Monoid,A](w: Writer[W,Writer[W,A]]) =
  Writer(w.value.value, Monoid[W].append(w.log, w.value.log))

And the meaning of unit is to write the “empty” log:

def unit[W:Monoid,A](a: A) = Writer(a, Monoid[W].zero)

State monad

The State monad can both get and set the state:

def get[S]: State[S,S] = State(s => (s, s))
def put[S](s: S): State[S,Unit] = State(_ => ((), s))

The meaning of join in the state monad is to give the outer action an opportunity to get and put the state, then do the same for the inner action, making sure any subsequent actions see the changes made by previous ones.

case class State[S,A](run: S => (A, S))

def join[S,A](v1: State[S,State[S,A]]): State[S,A] =
  State(s1 => {
    val (v2, s2) = v1.run(s1)

Option monad

The Option monad can terminate without an answer:

def none[A]: Option[A] = None

That’s enough examples of monads. Let’s now turn to comonads.


A comonad is the same thing as a monad, only backwards:

trait Comonad[W[_]] extends Functor[W] {
  def counit[A](w: W[A]): A
  def duplicate[A](wa: W[A]): W[W[A]]

Note that counit is pronounced “co-unit”, not “cow-knit”. It’s also sometimes called extract because it allows you to get a value of type A out of a W[A]. While with monads you can generally only put values in and not get them out, with comonads you can generally only get them out and not put them in.

And instead of being able to join two levels of a monad into one, we can duplicate one level of a comonad into two.

Kind of weird, right? This also has to obey some laws. We’ll get to those later on, but let’s first look at some actual comonads.

The identity comonad

A simple and obvious comonad is the dumb wrapper (the identity comonad):

case class Id[A](a: A) {
  def map[B](f: A => B): Id[B] = Id(f(a))
  def counit: A = a
  def duplicate: Id[Id[A]] = Id(this)

This one is also the identity monad. Id doesn’t have any functionality other than the proper morphisms of the (co)monad and is therefore not terribly interesting. We can get the value out with our counit, and we can vacuously duplicate by decorating our existing Id with another layer.

The reader comonad

There’s a comonad with the same capabilities as the reader monad, namely that it allows us to ask for a value:

case class Coreader[R,A](extract: A, ask: R) {
  def map[B](f: A => B): Coreader[R,B] = Coreader(f(extract), ask)
  def duplicate: Coreader[R, Coreader[R, A]] =
    Coreader(this, ask)

It should be obvious how we can give a Comonad instance for this (I’m using the Kind Projector compiler plugin to make the syntax look a little nicer than Vanilla Scala):

def coreaderComonad[R]: Comonad[Coreader[R,?]] =
  new Comonad[Coreader[R,?]] {
    def map[A,B](c: Coreader[R,A])(f: A => B) = c map f
    def counit[A](c: Coreader[R,A]) = c.extract
    def duplicate(c: Coreader[R,A]) = c.duplicate

Arguably, this is much more straightforward in Scala than the reader monad. In the reader monad, the ask function is the identity function. That’s saying “once the R value is available, return it to me”, making it available to subsequent map and flatMap operations. But in Coreader, we don’t have to pretend to have an R value. It’s just right there and we can look at it.

So Coreader just wraps up some value of type A together with some additional context of type R. Why is it important that this is a comonad? What is the meaning of duplicate here?

To see the meaning of duplicate, notice that it puts the whole Coreader in the value slot (in the extract portion). So any subsequent extract or map operation will be able to observe both the value of type A and the context of type R. We can think of this as passing the context along to those subsequent operations, which is analogous to what the reader monad does.

In fact, just like map followed by join is usually expressed as flatMap, by the same token duplicate followed by map is usually expressed as a single operation, extend:

case class Coreader[R,A](extract: A, ask: R) {
  def extend[B](f: Coreader[R,A] => B): Coreader[R,B] =
    duplicate map f

Notice that the type signature of extend looks like flatMap with the direction of f reversed. And just like we can chain operations in a monad using flatMap, we can chain operations in a comonad using extend. In Coreader, extend is making sure that f can use the context of type R to produce its B.

Chaining operations this way using flatMap in a monad is sometimes called Kleisli composition, and chaining operations using extend in a comonad is called coKleisli composition (or just Kleisli composition in a comonad).

The name extend refers to the fact that it takes a “local” computation that operates on some structure and “extends” that to a “global” computation that operates on all substructures of the larger structure.

The writer comonad

Just like the writer monad, the writer comonad can append to a log or running tally using a monoid. But instead of keeping the log always available to be appended to, it uses the same trick as the reader monad by building up an operation that gets executed once a log becomes available:

case class Cowriter[W:Monoid,A](tell: W => A) {
  def map[B](f: A => B): Cowriter[W,B] = Cowriter(tell andThen f)
  def extract = tell(Monoid[W].zero)
  def duplicate: Cowriter[W, Cowriter[W, A]] =
    Cowriter(w1 => Cowriter(w2 => tell(Monoid[W].append(w1, w2))))
  def extend[B](f: Cowriter[W,A] => B): Cowriter[W,B] =
    duplicate map f

Note that duplicate returns a whole Cowriter from its constructed run function, so the meaning is that subsequent operations (composed via map or extend) have access to exactly one tell function, which appends to the existing log or tally. For example, foo.extend(_.tell("hi")) will append "hi" to the log of foo.

Comonad laws

The comonad laws are analogous to the monad laws:

  1. Left identity: wa.duplicate.extract == wa
  2. Right identity: wa.extend(extract) == wa
  3. Associativity: wa.duplicate.duplicate == wa.extend(duplicate)

It can be hard to get an intuition for what these laws mean, but in short they mean that (co)Kleisli composition in a comonad should be associative and that extract (a.k.a. counit) should be an identity for it.

Very informally, both the monad and comonad laws mean that we should be able to compose our programs top-down or bottom-up, or any combination thereof, and have that mean the same thing regardless.

Next time…

In part 2 we’ll look at some more examples of comonads and follow some of the deeper connections. Like what’s the relationship between the reader monad and the reader comonad, or the writer monad and the writer comonad? They’re not identical, but they seem to do all the same things. Are they equivalent? Isomorphic? Something else?
